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Valley Baptist Church

Dispensational Theological Seminary

55330 Lovegren Dr., Cherry Grove, OR, 503-357-5795

Written Papers to Read and Copy

Speakers: , , , , , , , , , ,



Title Scripture Speaker Date Additional file Hits
THE DECREE: God's Plan for the Ages and How It Affects the Christian Llfe - Part 1 - AUDIO plus paper - 63 pages - Dale Spurbeck 2008-04-16 2008-_the_decree_final_copy.pdf 3282
THE DECREE: God's Plan for the Ages and How It Affects the Christian Llfe - Part 2 -Dale Spurbeck 2008-04-16 2233
Righteousness 1 - Dale Spurbeck - 58 pages 2010-04-21 righteousness 2010 dale spurbeck.pdf 3062
Righteousness 2 2010-04-21 3198
Grace Communication 1 - David Spurbeck 32 pages 2010-04-21 a2010 forum gracecommunication seminar 1 2.pdf 3071
The Grace from Christ - Roy Mcpherson - 44 pages 2010-04-21 2010 forum paper the grace from christ roy mcpherson.pdf 3226
Grace Communication 2 - notes under Commnication 1 - 32 paages 2010-04-22 2826
Grace Communication 3 - 21 pages 2010-04-22 grace communication seminar iii 2010 david spurbeck.pdf 2770
The Role of Evil 1- Kevin Jeffrey 2010-04-22 the role of evil 2010 kevin jeffrey page 3.pdf 2735
Access - Tim Hoelscher - 27 pages 2010-04-22 access 2010 timothy hoelscher.pdf 3287
The Role of Evil 2 2010-04-22 the role of evil 2010 kevin jeffrey page 1.pdf 3427
Grace Communication 5 - 17 pages 2010-04-23 grace communication seminar v 2010 david spurbeck.pdf 2861
Grace Communication 6 - 16 pages 2010-04-23 grace communication seminar vi 2010 david spurbeck.pdf 2787
The Value of the Blood of Christ - Luther Walker - 2010 - 11 pages 2010-04-23 the value of the blood of christ 2010 luther walker.pdf 3649
Grace Communication 4 - 19 pages 2010-04-23 grace communication seminar iv 2010 david spurbeck.pdf 2853
The "Sermon on the Mount"; A Study in Hermeneutical Principles - 56 pages 2012-04-18 the_sermon_on_the_mount.pdf 3563
Church Constitution and Declaration of Faith - 22 pages 2013-10-13 constitution_2006_adjusted_10_2013.pdf 2918
24 Elders in Revelation - 1 of 2 - Chris Camilli - 14 pages 2014-04-24 the_24_elders_of_revelation_w.o._gk.-1.pdf 2520
24 Elders in Revelation - 2 of 2 - Chris Camilli - notes in session 1 2014-04-24 2539
Christ In You - Dale Spurbeck 2015 Forum - 52 pages 2015-04-22 christinyoudalespurbeckforum2015.pdf 2717