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Valley Baptist Church

Dispensational Theological Seminary

55330 Lovegren Dr., Cherry Grove, OR, 503-357-5795

04 - General Topics - Assorted Speakers

Speakers: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Topics of general interest.

Title Scripture Speaker Date Additional file Hits
Dividing Asunder - Soul/Spirit - Pascal Duverger - 20230402 Hebrews 4:12 2023-04-02 719
"Things Without Measure" Kevin Jeffrey 20231001 1 Corinthians 10:13-14 2023-10-01 643
Jesus Christ's Conception - Pascal Duverger - 20221225 Isaiah 7:14 2022-12-25 684
The Giver of the Gift of Faith - Pascal Duverger - 20221009 1 Corinthians 3:5 2022-10-09 692
02 Why Do I Feel So Guilty? 2011-11-06 2641
04 The Believer's Expectation of Hatred - Don Hewitt - 20120715 2012-07-15 so_what_do_you_expectdonhewitt2012ss.doc 2817
05 Consequences - Don Hewitt - 20120715 2012-07-15 2547
06 Believer's Expectation of Persecution - Don Hewitt - 20120722 2012-07-22 2536
07 Signs of the Times 2012-07-29 signs_of_the_timesdonhewitt2012.doc99.doc 2719
Imputation 2012-08-19 3262
Pascal Duverger - The End of the Gospel - 20230409 1 Corinthians 15:1-5 2023-04-09 674
08 Repentance - John the Baptist 2012-08-19 2579
09 Repentance 20120826 2012-08-26 2567
11 Don Hewitt 20120916 Repentance 2012-09-16 2551
Don Hewitt - 20120923 - Repentance 2012-09-23 2503
Don Hewitt - Sunday School - 20130120 2013-01-20 2506
Don Hewitt Sunday School 20130303 2013-03-03 2458
Don Hewitt Sunday School 20130310 James 2 2013-03-10 2577
Don Hewitt Sunday School 20130324 2013-03-24 2580
Don Hewitt Sunday School 20130331 2013-03-31 2562
Courtney Jeffrey - Delivered 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 2013-03-31 2975
Courtney Jeffrey - Righteous 2013-04-07 3122
Ray Fontenot - Fellowship 2013-04-07 3238
Matt Ross - 20130421A - Steadfast 1 Corinthians 15:58 2013-04-21 2986
Matt Ross - 20130421B - Steadfast 1 Corinthians 15:58 2013-04-21 2996
Don Hewitt Sunday School 2013-06-23 2572
Don Hewitt Sunday School 2013-07-07 2767
Don Hewitt Sunday School - 20130714 2013-07-14 2671
Don Hewitt Sunday School 20130721 2013-07-21 2561
Don Hewitt Sunday School 20130728 2013-07-28 2582
Don Hewitt Sunday School 20130804 2013-08-04 2579
Don Hewitt Sunday School 20130818A 2013-08-18 2715
Studies on the Holy Spirit - Bob Duggins - 20160417 2016-04-17 2609
Don Hewitt Sunday School 20130818B 2013-08-18 2600
Don Hewitt Sunday School 20130929 2013-09-29 2472
Living Above the Fray - Courtney Jeffrey 2013-12-29 3211
Eternal Life - Matt Ross 20140126 2014-01-26 3094
A Call to Submissive Suffering Matt Ross 20140427 1 Peter 5:10 2014-04-27 2885
ApostleProphet 20140713 DonHewitt 2014-07-13 2432
To Protect and Preserve 20140803 2014-08-03 3077
Suffering-What Is So Gracious About It? - Courtney Jeffrey 20150712 2015-07-12 3005
Grace Provisions for Stability of Mind - Dan Wray - 20160424 Romans 16:25 2016-04-24 2619
Spiritual Growth and Development - Ray Fontenot - 20160424 1 John 2016-04-24 2562
Bob Duggins - 20160515 2016-05-15 2454
Matt Ross 20160515 2016-05-15 2456
Bob Duggins - 20160529 2016-05-29 2552
Bob Duggins - 20160605 2016-06-05 2402
Sanctification I Corinthians 1:30 2010-01-31 2969
Ray Fontenot - 20160612 2016-06-12 2696
Priesthood I Peter 2:5-9 2010-02-21 2916
Uriah Jones 20160601 Hebrews 3:12-14 2016-06-27 2714
Don Hewitt - SS - 20160710 Genesis 1:1-2 2016-07-10 2197
Forgiveness Hebrews 9:22 2010-03-14 2527
Don Hewitt - SS - 20160716 Genesis 1:2
Ezekiel 28
2016-07-17 2125
Don Hewitt - SS - 20160724 Genesis 1-4 2016-07-24 2032
Freedom in Christ Romans 8:2 2010-03-28 2492
Don Hewitt - Morning Service - 20160807 2016-07-31 2208
Don Hewitt - SS - 20160807 2016-08-07 2244
Election 2010-04-25 2645
Don Hewitt - SS - 20160814 2016-08-14 2199
False Advertising-Disguising an Inward Reality 2010-03-14 2596
Part of a Building of God 2010-05-16 2460
Don Hewitt - SS - 20160828 2016-08-28 2275
A Change in Form Brings a Change in Appearance-Divine Intervention 2010-03-21 2441
Distinctions- The Church and Israel 2010-07-18 2674
Don Hewitt - Morning Service - 20160828 2016-08-28 2118
If God Be For Us Rom 8:28 2010-03-28 2826
Don Hewitt - SS - 20160904 2016-09-04 2169
A Form on the Inside to be Reflected on the Outside 2 Corinthians 3:18 2010-04-11 2664
Don Hewitt - SS - 20160911 2016-09-11 2320
Bob Duggins - 20161113 - "Hidden" Colossians 3:1-3 2016-11-13 2597
Amen II Peter 3:18 2010-10-03 2662
Don Hewitt - 20170122 2017-01-22 2157
Peace - Dan Wray - 20170129 Philippians 4:6-7 2017-01-29 2617
Don Hewitt - 20170129 2017-01-29 2168
Distinctions- The Church and Israel I Corinthians 10:28-33 2010-06-27 2525
Thanks - Dan Wray - 20170305 2017-03-05 2732
20170423 - Applied Hermeneutics - Don Hewitt Ephesians 5:18 2017-04-23 applied-hermeneuticsdonhewitt20170423.docx 2426
20170423 - Dan Wray - first half of sermon only 2017-04-23 2674
Spectacle - Ray Fontenot - 20170521 1 Corinthians 4:1-17 2017-05-21 2908
Roy McPherson Memorial Service Video A - 20220416 2022-04-16 1001
How God Knows Us and How We Should Know Him - Ray Fontenot - 20170521 Colossians 1:9-10 2017-05-21 2773
Practicing During Difficult Circumstances - Matt Ross - 20170716 1 John 3:8-9 2017-07-16 2691
Watch Out, You Are Under Attack! - 01 - Matt Ross - 20180610 2 Timothy 2:4 2018-06-10 2490
Watch Out, You Are Under Attack! - 02 - Matt Ross - 20180617 Romans 14:17-18
Hebrews 13:20-21
2018-06-17 2430
Philippians - a Pauline Newsletter - Don Hewitt - 20190512 Philippians 2019-05-12 philippians-a-pauline-newsletter.pdf 1779
Roy McPherson Memorial Service Video B - 20220416 2022-04-16 867
The Monster in the Closet: The Sin Nature Gal 5:19-21 2011-07-10 3115
01 Righteousness in Romans Romans 5:1 2011-07-17 2564
Walk - 2 2011-11-06 3207
Regeneration and the Benefits of the New Birth Colossians 1:27 2011-09-18 2827
Walk - 1 2011-11-06 3243
NEW Ephesians 4:24 2012-01-01 2618
10 Who Is The Greatest? 20120902 2012-09-02 2591
03 But That's Not What They Say, John 3:16: Romans 10:9-10 2012-06-03 thatsnotwhattheysaydonhewitt2012.doc 2540
A Living Sacrifice - 20121125 - Matt Ross Romans 12:1 2012-11-25 2913
The Believer's Anticipation for the Future - Dale Spurbeck - 20120715 2012-07-15 2800
First Fruit - 20120826 2012-08-26 3183
Forgetting Philippians 3:13 2013-06-23 2949
Less Than His Best - 20121125 - Don Hewitt Acts 17:1-18:11 2012-11-25 2577
Matt Ross - The Christian Life- Living Others-Centered Philippians 1:23-25 2013-09-01 2967
Eugene Mayevskiy - Morning Service - 20130120 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17 2013-01-20 3041
Why Does It Matter What My Mind Is On? 2013-07-14 3176
Politics - Courtney Jeffrey - 2013 Philippians 3:20 2013-08-25 3205
Another Aspect of Living By Grace 20140727 Matt Ross 1 Corinthians 4:5 2014-07-27 2904
An Aspect Of Living By Grace Matt Ross 20140720 1 Corinthians 10:13 2014-07-20 2861
Guard Your Freedom - Bob Duggins - 20160626 1 Timothy 4:1-5 2016-06-26 2514
Don Hewitt - 20160703 Genesis 1:1-2 2016-07-03 2096
The Pursuit of Peace - Courtney Jeffrey 20150628 2015-06-28 2840
God of All Comfort - Dan Wray - 20170326 2 Corinthians 1:2-7 2017-03-26 2747
Don Hewitt 20120930 - Repentance 2012-09-30 2964
Roy McPherson Memorial Service Video A - 20220416 2022-04-16 555