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Valley Baptist Church

Dispensational Theological Seminary

55330 Lovegren Dr., Cherry Grove, OR, 503-357-5795

An Introduction to the Post Resurrection Appearances of Jesus Christ - David Spurbeck - 2022

Title Scripture Speaker Date Additional file Hits
Appearances 39 - We Shall Be Like Him At Manifestation of Christ At The Rapture - David Spurbeck - 20230212 - End of Series 1 John 3:2 2023-02-12 713
Appearances 38 - The Anticipation Manifestation of Christ Our Life At The Rapture - David Spurbeck - 20230205 1 Peter 5:4
1 John 2:28
2023-02-05 675
Appearances 37 - The Manifestation of Christ Our Life - David Spurbeck - 20230129 Colossians 3:3-4 2023-01-29 703
Appearances 36 - When We Witness Christ's Appearing in the Air - II - David Spurbeck - 20230122 Titus 2:13 2023-01-22 664
Appearances 35b - Victor's Crowns and the Appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ - David Spurbeck - 20230115 2 Timothy 4:8 2023-01-15 670
Appearances 35a - When We Witness Christ's Appearing in the Air - I - David Spurbeck - 20230108 1 Timothy 6:11-16
2 Timothy 4:6-8
1 Corinthians 15:51
2023-01-08 657
Appearances 34 - The Appearance of The Jesus Christ to John in Revelation - III - David Spurbeck - 20221218 2022-12-18 648
Appearances 33 - The Appearance of The Jesus Christ to John in Revelation - II - David Spurbeck - 20221211 Revelation 14:1-20 2022-12-11 649
Appearances 32 - The Appearance of The Jesus Christ to John in Revelation - I - David Spurbeck - 20221204 Revelation 1:1-20 2022-12-04 659
Appearances 31 - The Appearance of The Lamb in Heaven after The Rapture - David Spurbeck - 20221120 Revelation 4
Revelation 5
2022-11-20 627
Appearances 30 - Paul in Arabia with The Lord Personal Revelation - David Spurbeck - 20221106 Galatians 1:6-9 2022-11-13 661
Appearances 29 - Paul Sees or Speaks with The Lord after his Salvation - David Spurbeck - 20221030 1 Corinthians 15:8-11 2022-10-30 643
Appearances 28 - Paul's Personal Seeing of the Resurrected Jesus - David Spurbeck - 20221023 1 Corinthians 15:8-11 2022-10-23 632
Appearances 27 - The First Post Ascension Appearance of Christ to Paul - III - David Spurbeck - 20221016 Acts 26:13-23 2022-10-16 652
Appearances 26 - The First Post Ascension Appearance of Christ to Paul - II - David Spurbeck - 20221002 Acts 22:6-16 2022-10-02 637
Appearances 25 - The First Post Ascension Appearance of Christ to Paul - I - David Spurbeck - 20220924 Acts 9:3-20 2022-09-25 628
Appearances 24a - Paul's Opposition to Christians and Stephen's Testimony to the Living Christ - David Spurbeck - 20220918 2022-09-18 619
Appearances 23 - The Post Resurrection Appearance of Christ to Stephen - III - David Spurbeck - 20220911 Acts 7:54-60 2022-09-11 623
Appearances 22 - The Post Resurrection Appearnace of Christ to Stephen - II - David Spurbeck - 20220904 Acts 7 2022-09-04 609
Appearances 21 - The Post Resurrection Appearnace of Christ to Stephen - David Spurbeck - 20220828 Acts 6:3-14 2022-08-28 640
Appearances 19(20) - The Post Resurrecion Appearance of Christ to the Eleven at the Ascension - David Spurbeck - 20220821 1 Corinthians 15:7
Acts 1:3-14
2022-08-21 603
Appearances 19 - The Post Resurrection Appearance of Christ to James - David Spurbeck - 20220703 1 Corinthians 15:7 2022-07-03 613
Appearances 16 - Follower of Christ? - Follow Me - II - David Spurbeck - 20220605 2022-06-05 652
Appearances 15 - Follower of Christ? - Follow Me - David Spurbeck - 20220529 John 21:19-22 2022-05-29 735
Appearances 14 - Peter Attempts to Change the Subject to John - David Spurbeck - 20220522 John 21:20-25 2022-05-22 782
Appearances 13 - Jesus Interrogates Peter in His Third Appearance to The Disciples - David Spurbeck - 20220515 John 21:15-19 2022-05-15 721
Appearances 12 - Jesus' Third Appearace to the Disciples Meeting Them in Galilee - David Spurbeck - 20220508 John 21:1-14 2022-05-08 706
Appearances 11 - Jesus' Appearance Estabished Faith Without Sight Rather Than By Sight - David Spurbeck - 20220501 John 20:24-29 2022-05-01 760
Appearances 10 - Jesus' Appearance Brings Obligation - David Spurbeck - 20220424 John 20:19-23 2022-04-24 750
Appearances 09B - Jesus Is Alive with Resurrected Life - David Spurbeck - 20220417 Romans 6:13 2022-04-17 739
Appearances 09A - The Things Written Must Be Fulfilled Concerning Christ - David Spurbeck - 20220410 Luke 24:44-48 2022-04-10 718
Appearances 08 - Jesus' Death and Resurrection Revealed But Not Remembered - David Spurbeck - 20220403 Luke 24:44 2022-04-03 733
Appearances 08 - Jesus' Death and Resurrection Revealed But Not Remembered - David Spurbeck - 20220320 Luke 24:44 2022-04-03 718
Appearances 07 - The Appearance of Jesus in Jerusalem to the Ten Disciples and Those With Them - David Spurbeck - 20220327 Luke 24:36-43
John 20:19
Mark 16:14
2022-03-27 692
An Introduction to the Post Resurrection Appearances of Jesus Christ 01 - David Spurbeck - 20220213 Acts 1:1-4
Acts 13:31
2022-02-13 854
Appearances 02 - The Galilean Represention At the Cross, Resurrection, Apperances and the Ascenson of Jesus Christ - David Spurbeck - 20220220 Luke 23:49 2022-02-20 935
Appearances 03 - Mary Magdalene The First Witness to Christ's Post Resurrection Appearances - David Spurbeck - 20220227 Matthew 27:55 2022-02-27 864
Appearances 04 - Jesus' Appearanced to the Women and Peter - David Spurbeck - 20220306 Matthew 28:9-2810
Luke 24:34
1 Corinthians 15:5
2022-03-06 816
Appearances 05 - To Peter and the Two on the Road to Emmaus - David Spurbeck - 20220313 Luke 24:34
Luke 24:13-35
Mark 16:12-13
2022-03-13 833
Appearances 06 - Appearance and Revelation of Himself to The Two In Emmaus - David Spurbeck - 20220320 Luke 24:25-35 2022-03-20 891