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Valley Baptist Church

Dispensational Theological Seminary

55330 Lovegren Dr., Cherry Grove, OR, 503-357-5795

Passives and Grace Salvation - David Spurbeck -157 sermons


Books by David K. Spurbeck. Sr.


The following is a synopsis of the book, The Christian "In Christ by David K. Spurbeck, Sr.  The book was written for the person who has believed 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 which is the gospel for salvation. The subject of this book is a systematic study from Scripture of a believer's Position and Possessions because he is "in Christ." These truths are practical - divinely practical for the true Christian. They are the basis for all spiritual growth. 408 pages.


The following is a synopsis of the book,  Me! A Priest? by David K. Spurbeck, Sr.  It is a book on the Priesthood of the Grace Believer. Every Christian is a priest. No other group of people in history has had the privileges that true Christians do.  Aaron, as Israel's high priest, couldn't imagine that anyone could have such superior privileges with God as priests in a kingly, heavenly priesthood. On the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of God began immersing grace believers into the Body of Christ, the Church which is His Body. That Body is a kingdom of priests. As a result, there are unique provisions for the grace believer. This book provides the teaching from Scripture on those unique provisions. The Church doesn't have a Priesthood. It is a Priesthood. 682 pages.


The Christian “In Christ”at $19.95 each plus $4.95 postage = Total $24.90.


Me! A Priest? at $24.95 each plus $4.95 postage = Total $29.90.


These books may be purchased from the author using the information below or they may be purchased from various booksellers on the internet.



Make check payable to:  David Spurbeck.

Send Order to:

David Spurbeck

1601 Limpus Lane

Forest Grove, OR 97116-1356



Telephone:  503-357-5795 



If the sermons are not in the right order,  click the Display# dropdown menu below to "All," then click on "Date" and they will sort themselves into the proper date order.



Title Scripture Speaker Date Additional file Hits
Passives 150 Comfort That Is Provided By Faith Of Others David Spurbeck 20151018 Romans 1:12
1 Thessalonians 3:7
2015-10-18 pass150davidspurbeck20151018.pdf 2378
Passives 151 Being Blessed By Faith And Being Guarded Through Faith - David Spurbeck 20151025 Galatians 3:9
1 Peter 1:5
2015-10-25 pass151davidspurbeck20151025.pdf 2294
Passives 152 Faith Being Grown Strengthening The Messenger - David Spurbeck 20151101 2 Corinthians 10:15 2015-11-01 pass152davidspurbeck20151101.pdf 2327
Passives 153 We Will Be Made To Appear With Him In Glory - David Spurbeck 20151115 Colossians 3:4 2015-11-15 pass153davidspurbeck20151115.pdf 2325
Passives 154 Be Kept Blameless in Christ's Coming - David Spurbeck 20151122 1 Thessalonians 5:23 2015-11-22 pass154davidspurbeck20151122.pdf 2389
Passives 155a - David Spurbeck 20151129 - 2 Tim 2:7 2 Timothy 2:7 2015-11-29 pass155davidspurbeck20151129.pdf 2322
Passives 157 Being Supplied An Entrance Into The Eternal Kingdom - David Spurbeck 20160110 last message in series 2 Peter 1:11 2016-01-10 pass157davidspurbeck20150110lastsermoninseries.pdf 2251
Passives - 01 - God's Work For Us In Grace Salvation Ephesians 2:4-10 2011-11-13 1passgodsworkforusingracesalvation20111112.pdf 2554
Passives - 02 - God's Saving in the Books of John and Acts - God Actively Saves the Passive Believer John 3:17 2011-11-20 2passgodssavinginthebooksofjohnandacts20111120.pdf 2435
Passives - 03 - God As The Active Agent In The Provision Of All Salvation Romans 5:9-11 2011-11-27 3passgodastheactiveagentintheprovisionofallsalvation20111127.pdf 2456
Passives - 04 -Divine Intervention as Necessary for All Salvation I Corinthians 10:33 2011-12-04 4passdivine intervention as necessary for all salvation20111204.pdf 2457
Passives - 05 -God's Call To Salvation And Conditions Of Life I Corinthians 7:13-24 2011-12-11 5godscalltosalvationandconditionsoflife20111218.pdf 2469
Passives - 06 - Call to Salvation and Challenges for Life Galatians 5:13, Ephesians 4:1, Colossians 3:15 2011-12-18 6cal tosalvationandchallengesforlife20111218.pdf 2360
Passives - 07 -God's Call To Eternal Life, An Eternal Inheritance And By His Eternal Character I Timothy 6:12; Hebrews 9:15; James 2:7 2012-01-08 7passgodscalltoeternalifeaneternalinheritanceanbyhiseternachar20120107.pdf 2399
Passives - 08 - The Believer Is Called Because God Actively Calls To Salvation I Peter 2:21;I Peter 3:9; I Peter 2:9; I Peter 5:10 2012-01-15 8passgodactivelycallstoslvation20120117.pdf 2508
Passives - 09 -God Actively Calls To Salvation II Galatians 5:7-8 2012-01-22 9passgodactivelycallstosalvationii20121222.pdf 2475
Passives - 10 - Spiritual Relocation by the Immersion by the Holy Spirit Romans 6:3; I Corinthians 12:13;Galatians 3:27,28 2012-01-29 10passspiritualrelocationbytheimmersionbytheholyspirit20121229.pdf 2457
Passives - 11 - I Have Been Crucified Together With Christ Romans 6:6;Galatians 2:20;Galatians 6:14 2012-02-05 11passihavebeencrucifiedtogetherwithchrist20120205.pdf 2380
Passives - 12 - From Death To Resurrection With Christ Romans 7:4; 6:4,9 2012-02-12 12passfromdeathtoresurrectionwithchrist20120212.pdf 2510
Passives - 13 - Our Being Glorified Together With Christ Romans 8:17; II Thessalonians 1:12; John 15:8; I Peter 4:11 2012-02-19 13passourbeingglorifiedtogetherwithchrist.pdf 2443
Passives - 14 - Righteousness By Faith Given The Passive Believer - I Romans 3:19-30 2012-02-26 14passgodastheactiveagentintheprovisionofallsalvation20120226.pdf 2411
Passives - 15 - Righteousness By Faith Given The Passive Believer - II Romans 4:11; Romans 5:19; Romans 5:17-21 2012-03-04 15passrighteousnessbyfaithgiventhepassivebelieverii20120304.pdf 2431
Passives - 16 - Righteousness By Faith Given The Passive Believer - III Romans 6:2-8: Romans 8:1-4: I Corinthians 6:11 2012-03-11 16passrighteousnessbyfaithgiventhepassivebelieveriii20120311.pdf 2500
Passives - 17 - Righteousness By Faith Given the Passive Believer - IV Galatians 2:16; Galatians 3:24; Titus 3:7 2012-03-18 17passrighteousnessbyfaithgiventhepassivebelieveriv20120318.pdf 2450
Passives - 18 - Enemies Having Been Reconciled To God Colossians 1:20-22; Romans 5:10,11;II Corinthians 5:18-20 2012-03-25 18passenemieshavingbeenreconciledtogod20120325.pdf 2387
Passives - 19a - Arrangements For The Sanctification Affirmed In The Upper Room I Corinthians1:2,30; John 17:14-22 2012-04-01 19passarrangementsforsanctificationaffirmedintheupperroom20120401.pdf 2325
Passives - 19b - Resurrection or Resuscitation? Colossians 1:18; Romans 1:4; Revelation 1:18; Romans 6:9. 2012-04-08 19b realresurrectionotresuscitation20120408.pdf 2420
Passives - 20a - An Inheritance For The Ones Who Have Been Sanctified Acts 20:29,30: Acts 26:18 2012-04-15 20passaninheritancefortheoneswhohavebeensanctified20120415.pdf 2353
Passives - 20b - Isn't "All" Enough? Colossians 3:9-10 2012-04-22 2377
Passives - 21 - Sanctified by the Holy Spirit Romans 15:16; I Corinthians 1:2; I Corinthians 6:11 2012-04-29 21passsanctifiedbytheholyspirit20120429.pdf 2402
Passives - 22 - Active and Passive Sanctifying Ephesians 5:25-28; I Thessalonians 5:23; I Timothy 4:5; II Timothy 2:21 2012-05-06 22passactiveandpassivesanctifying20120506.pdf 2428
Passives - 23 - Sanctification and the Sufferings of Jesus Christ Hebrews 2:11; Hebrews 13:12 2012-05-20 23passsanctificatioandthesufreringsofjesuschrist20120520.pdf 2488
Passives - 24 - The Word of Christ and the Believer's Sanctification and Potential Attitude -no audio just notes Hebrews 10:10-28 2012-05-27 24passthewordofchrstandthebelieverssanctificationandpotentialattitude20120527.pdf 2404
Passives - 25 - Having Been Redeemed By the Blood of Jesus Christ I Corinthians 6:19,20:I Corinthians 7:23; I Peter 1:18 2012-06-10 25passhavingbeenredeemedbythebloodofjesuschrist20120610.pdf 2413
Passives - 26 - Liberty Promised for the Dispensation of Grace John 8:30-35 2012-06-17 26passlibertypromisedforthedispofgrace20120617.pdf 2404
Passives - 27 - Liberty From The Sin Nature Provided Under Grace of Grace 2012-06-24 27passlibertyfromthesinnatureprovidedundergrace201200624.pdf 2426
Passives - 28 - The Godhead as the Active Agents in Providing Liberty 2012-07-01 28passthepersonsofthegodheadastheactiveagentsinprovidingthechristianliberty20120701.pdf 2417
Passives - 29 - Freed From the Law of the Sin Nature and Death 2012-07-08 29passfreedfromthelawofthesinnaturenaddeath20120708.pdf 2490
Passives - 30 - The Saint as a Recipient of Divine Forgiveness Acts 8:5-24 2012-07-22 30passsaintasareciepientofdivineforgivenessi20120722.pdf 2492
Passives - 31 - Three Passages That Relate to Divine Forgiveness 2012-07-29 31pass3passagesthat_relate_to_divineforgiveness20120729.pdf 2368
Passives - 32- The Divine Activity Providing Real Forgiveness 2012-08-05 32passdivineactivityprovidingrealforgiveness20120805.pdf 2409
Passives - 33 - Father's Forgiveness Promised for the Christian 2012-08-12 33passgodthefatherspromisedforgivenessforthechristian20120812a.pdf 2419
Passives - 34a - Have Been Made The Fullness Colossians 4:12 2012-09-02 34apasshavebeenmadethefullnessinchrist_i.pdf 2429
Passives - 34b - Have Been Made The Fullness 2012-09-09 2331
Passives - 35 - Have Been Sealed By The Holy Spirit Ephesians 4:30 2012-09-16 35passhavebeensealedbytheholyspirit20120916.pdf 2390
Passives - 36 - Christians Have Been Created in Christ Jesus - I 2 Corinthians 5:17 2012-09-23 36passhavebeencreatedinchristjesus_i_20120923.pdf 2365
Passives - 37 - Christians Have Been Created in Christ Jesus - II 2012-09-30 37passchristianshavebeencreatedinchristjesusii20120930.pdf 2413
Passives - 38 - Christians Have Been Created in Christ Jesus - III 2012-10-07 38christianshavebeencreatedin_christjesus-iii20121007.pdf 2453
Passives - 39 - Christians Have Been Born By Regeneration 2012-10-14 39passchristianshavebeenbornbyregeneration20121014.pdf 2409
Passives - 40 - Christians Have Been Born Out of God 2012-10-21 40passchristianshavebeenbornoutofgod20121021.pdf 2350
Passives - 41 - Spiritual Birth and the First Drink 2012-10-28 41passspiritualbirthandthefirstdrink20121028.pdf 2362
Passives - 42 - Review - 20121104 2012-11-04 42passreview20121104.pdf 2433
Passives - 43 - The Manifestation of a Sweet Aroma to God - 20121111 2 Corinthians 2:14 2012-11-11 43passthemanifestationofasweetaromatogod20121111.pdf 2504
Passives - 44 - Plain Letters Concerning the Grace of God 2 Corinthians 3:3 2012-11-18 44passplainlettersconcerningthegraceofgod20121118.pdf 2506
Passives - 45 - Physical Vessels Made to Manifest the Life of Jesus - I 2 Corinthians 4:10-11 2012-12-02 45physicalvesselsmadetomanifestthelifeofjesus-i20121202.pdf 2398
Passives - 46 - Physical Vessels Made to Manifest the Life of Jesus - II - 20121209 2 Corinthians 4:10-18 2012-12-09 46passphysicalvesselsmadetomanifestthelifeofjesus-ii20121209.pdf 2384
Passives - 47a - A Threefold Manifestation in Two Tenses of Salvation 2 Corinthians 5:10-11 2012-12-16 47passathreefoldmanifestationintwotensesofsalvation201212161120.pdf 2422
Passives - 47b - Christmas Sermon - 20121223 2012-12-23 47bpasstwotextimoniestotheralityofthegodmanchristmassermon20121223.pdf 2360
Passives - 47c - New Year's Resolutions and the Passive Voice 2012-12-30 47cpassnewyearsresolutionsandthepassivevoice20121230.pdf 2393
Passives - 48 - A Temporary Filling of the Holy Spirit Versus Today's Filling of the Holy Spirit 2013-01-06 48passtempfillingofhsversustodaysfilling20130106.pdf 2409
Passives - 49 - Being Filled by the Holy Spirit with Experiential Knowledge Romans 15:13-14 2013-01-13 49passbeingfilledhswithexperientialknowledge20130113.pdf 2435
Passives - 50 - Being Filled in the Fullness and with the Fullness Ephesians 1:23
Ephesians 3:19
2013-01-27 50passbeingfilledinthefullnessandwiththefullness20130127.pdf 2407
Passives - 51 - Having Been Filled with the Fruit of Righteousness Philippians 1:11 2013-02-03 51passhavingbeenfilledwiththefruitofrighteousness20130203.pdf 2378
Passives - 52 -Having Been Filled with Full Experiential Knowledge of His Will Colossians 1:9-11
Colossians 4:12
2013-02-10 52passhavingfilledfullknowledgeofwill20130210.pdf 2416
Passives - 53 - God Actively Fills All the Good Pleasure of Goodness and Work of Faith 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 2013-02-17 53passgodactivelyfillsallgoodpleasuregoodnessworkfaith20130217.pdf 2299
Passives - 54 - God Actively Fills the Passive Believer with Joy - I John 15:11
John 16:24
2013-02-24 54passgodactivelyfillspassivebelieverwithjoy-i20130224.pdf 2568
Passives - 55 - God Actively Fills the Passive Believer with Joy - II John 17:13 2013-03-03 55passgodactivelyfillsbelieverwithjoy-ii20130303.pdf 2412
Passives - 56 - God Actively Fills the Passive Believer with Joy - III Acts 13:52 2013-03-10 56passgodactivelyfillsbelieverwithjoy-iii20130310.pdf 2398
Passives - 57 - God Actively Fills the Passive Believer with Joy - IV Romans 13:15
Philippians 2:2
2013-03-17 57passgodactivelyfillsbelieverwithjoy-iv20130317.pdf 2403
Passives - 58 - The Enhancement of Joy Possessed by the Believer 2 Timothy 1:4
1 John 1:4
2 John 1:12
2013-03-24 58passenhancementofjoypossessed20130324.pdf 2337
Passives - 59 - Stop It! Quit! Ephesians 5:18 2013-04-14 59passstopitquit20130414.pdf 2421
Passives - 60A - Whose Influence? Ethyl or The Spirit? Ephesians 5:18 2013-04-28 60apasswhoseinfluence20130428.pdf 2348
Passives - 60B - Whose Influence? Ethyl or The Spirit? Ephesians 5:18 2013-05-05 60bpasswhoseinfluence20130505.pdf 2389
Passives - 61 - Life Outside the Realm of Present Tense Salvation Ephesians 5:18 2013-05-12 61passlifeuutsiderealmofpresenttensesal20130512.pdf 2362
Passives - 62 - Three Factors for the Filling of the Holy Spirit Ephesians 5:18 2013-05-19 62passthreefactorsforfillingofthespirit20130519.pdf 2448
Passives - 63 -Five General Results of the Filling of the Holy Spirit Ephesians 5:18 2013-05-26 63passfivegeneralresultsofthefillingoftehhs20130526.pdf 2363
Passives - 64 - Power And Passive Believers with Mixed Results Acts 9:22
Acts 13:39
2013-06-02 64passpowerandpassivebelieverswithmixedresults.pdf 2453
Passives - 65 - Empowerment and the Attacks of Satan and Demons Ephesians 6:10
Ephesians 6:13
Ephesians 6:16
2013-06-09 65passempowermentandattacksofsatananddemons20130609.pdf 2494
Passives - 66 - Manifest Power Provided in the Inner Man Ephesians 3:16 2013-06-16 66passmanifestpowerprovidedintheinnerman20130616.pdf 2327
Passives - 67 - A Package of Imperatives Include Manifest Power 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 2013-07-07 67passapackageofimperativesincludemanifestpower.pdf 2431
Passives - 68 - Active Power on a Passive Object Ephesians 4:13 2013-07-21 68passactivepoweronapassiveobject20130721.pdf 2411
Passives - 69 - The Divine Empowerment of Paul for Service 1 Timothy 1:12 2013-07-28 69passactivedivineempowermentofpaulforservice2013.pdf 2350
Passives - 70 - The Lord Strengthened and Empowered Paul for Preaching 2 Timothy 4:17 2013-08-04 70passpowerssoughtbypaulforthecolossians20130901.pdf 2376
Passives - 71 - Divine Empowerment and the Grace of God in Christ Jesus 2 Timothy 2:1 2013-08-11 71passdivineempoweredandgraceofgodinchristjjesus20139811.pdf 2471
Passives - 72 - Power Sought By Paul for the Colossians Colossians 1:11 2013-09-01 2366
Passives - 72B - Maintaining The Unity With One Another in the Body of Christ John 17:8 2013-09-08 72bpassmaintainingtheunitywithoneanother20130908.pdf 2451
Passives - 73 - The Christian Being Led By The Holy Spirit - I Romans 8:14
2 Corinthians 5:18
2013-09-15 73passthechristianbeingledbytheholyspirit20130915.pdf 2454
Passives - 74 - The Christian Being Led by the Holy Spirit - II 2013-09-22 74passchristianbeingledbythehsii20130922.pdf 2394
Passives - 75 - Passive Humiliation Evident in the Life of Paul Philippians 4:12 2013-09-29 75passpassivehumiliationinpaul20130929.docx 2433
Passives - 76 - Imperatives for Passive Humility of Christians Before The Lord James 4:10
1 Peter 5:5-6
2013-10-06 76passimperativesforpasshumility20131006.docx 2288
Passives - 77a - The Divine Provision for Encouragement 2 Corinthians 1:4 2013-10-13 77apassthedivineprovisionforencouragement-i21031013.pdf 2368
Passives - 77b - The Divine Provision for Encouragement 2 Corinthians 1:4 2013-10-20 77bpassthedivineprovisionforencouragement-ii21031020.pdf 2336
Passives - 78 - Encouragement Wherever You are 2 Corinthians 7:4-6
1 Corinthians 7:13
2013-10-27 passives78davidspurbeck20131027encouragementwhereeveryouareiicor746.mp3 2338
Passives - 79 - Apostolic Pressure Designed for Encouragement Colossians 2:2 2013-11-03 79passapostolicpressuredesignedforencouragement20131103.pdf 2488
Passives - 80 - Timothy the Passive Recipient of Spiritual Nourishment 1 Timothy 4:6 2013-11-10 80passtimothypassiverecipientofspiritualnourishment20131110.pdf 2341
Passives - 81 - Passive Transformation by the Renewedness of the Mind Romans 12:2 2013-11-17 81passpassivetransformationbyrenewednessofmind20131117.pdf 2484
Passives - 82 - PassiveTransformation Mirrors the Son 2 Corinthians 3:18 2013-11-24 82passpasstransformationmirrorspersonoftheson201311241201.pdf 2454
Passives - 82B - PassiveTransformation Mirrors the Son 2 Corinthians 3:18 2013-12-01 82partiipasspasstransformationmirrorspersonoftheson201311241201.pdf 2409
Passives - 83 - AnticipationofChristbeingformedinbelievers Galatians 4:19 2013-12-08 83passanticipationofchristbeingformedinbelievers20131208.pdf 2354
Passives - 84 - Being Made Public Spectacles in the Theatre of Life 1 Corinthians 4:9
Hebrews 10:33
2013-12-15 84beingmadepublicspectaclesinthetheatreoflife.pdf 2349
Passives - 85 - Illumined by God in One's Own Heart Ephesians 1:18 2013-12-29 85beingilluminedbygodinonesownheart20131229.pdf 2444
Passives - 86 - Provided the Riches of Grace for Speech and Experiential Knowledge 1 Corinthians 1:5 2014-01-05 2199
Passives - 87 - Each One Has Been Freely Given the Manifestation of the Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:7 2014-01-12 87passeachonehasbeenfreelygiventhemanifestationofthespiri20140112.pdf 2553
Passives - 88 - The Inner Man is Being Renewed Day by Day 2 Corinthians 4:17 2014-01-19 2354
Passives - 89 The New Man is Being Renewed in Full Experiential Knowledge Colossians 3:10 2014-02-02 89newmanisbeingrenewedinfullexperientialknowledge20140202.pdf 2604
Passives - 90 - Being Renewed in the Spirit of Your Mind Ephesians 4:23 2014-02-16 90beingrenewedinthespirit20140216.pdf 2321
Passives - 91 - Be Separated by Someone Else 2 Corinthians 6:17 2014-02-23 91beseparatedbysomeoneelse20140223.pdf 2340
Passives - 92 - The Divine Provisions for Conducting One's Life in this World 2014-03-02 2320
Passives - 93 - Conducting One's Life and the Mystery of Godliness 1 Timothy 3:15-16 2014-03-09 93passconductingoneslifenadthemysteryofgodliness20140309.pdf 2408
Passives - 94 - Provided Conducting and Sharing Conduct Hebrews 10:33
Hebrews 13:18
2014-03-16 2345
Passives - 096 - Fitness as a Result of a Thorough Adjustment for the Christian 2 Timothy 3:17 2014-03-30 2212
Passives - 97 - Who Set The Horizon? Ephesians 1:11 2014-04-06 april_62014_sermon.pdf 2323
Passives - 098 - Having Been Rooted and Founded Ephesians 3:16-17 2014-04-13 april_13_2014_sermon_98.pdf 2242
Passives 098B -Three Resurrection Messages in Matthew- David Spurbeck 20140420 Matthew 28:1-15 2014-04-20 3resurrectionmessagesinmatt20140420.mp3 2508
Passives - 100 - Stability Provided by Having Been Taught Colossians 2:7 2014-05-04 pass1002014041118a.pdf 2308
Passives - 100B -Stability Provided By Having Been Taught - David Spurbeck 20140518 Colossians 2:7 2014-05-18 pass100bdavidspurbeck20140518.pdf 2108
Passives 101 - Graciously Given to Believe and Suffer Philippians 1:29 2014-05-25 pass10120140525.odt 2644
Passives - 101B - Grace is to You - David Spurbeck 20140601 2014-06-01 pass101bdavidspurbeck20140601.pdf 2239
Passives - 102 - Christ Shall Be Magnified In My Body Philippians 1:20 2014-06-08 pass102davidspurbeck20140608.pdf 2172
Passives - 103 - Paul's Being Made to Esteen His Past As A Loss Philippians 3:7-8 2014-06-22 pass103davidspurbeck20140622.pdf 2205
Passives - 104 - Being Conformed to Christ's Death Philippians 3:20 2014-07-06 pass104davidspurbeck20140706.pdf 2137
Importance of the Fact That God The Son Came Down From Heaven Passive-extra - David Spurbeck 20140803 2014-08-03 importancetofthefactthatgodthesoncamedownfromheavendavidspurbeck20140803.pdf 2129
Passives - 105 - Made to Stand as Mature Ones and In The State of Being Filled Colossians 4:12 2014-08-31 pass105davidspurbeck20140831.pdf 2505
Passives - 106 - Being Made Imitators - I 1 Thessalonians 1:6 2014-09-07 pass106davidspurbeck21040907.pdf 2168
Passives - 107 - Being Made Imitators - II 1 Thessalonians 2:14 2014-09-14 pass107davidspurbeck20140914.pdf 2127
Passives - 110 - Being Made Imitators-V - David Spurbeck 20141012 Ephesians 5:1 2014-10-12 pass110davidspurbeck20141012.pdf 2159
Passives - 111 - Being Made Together Imitators- David Spurbeck 20141019 Philippians 3:17 2014-10-19 pass111davidspurbeck20142019.pdf 2214
Passives - 112 - Being Made to Match Position in the Kingdom of God - 20141026 2 Thessalonians 1:5 2014-10-26 pass112davidspurbeck20141026.pdf 2089
Passives - 113 - May the Word Concerning the Lord Run and Be Glorified - 20141102 2 Thessalonians 3:1 2014-11-02 pass113bdavidspurbeck20141102.pdf 2188
Passives - 114 - The Divine Exercising of the Senses to Discern Both Good and Evil - 20141109 Hebrews 5:14 2014-11-09 2177
Passives - 115 - Made to Become Partakers of the Holy Spirit - 20141116 Hebrews 6:4 2014-11-16 2029
Thanksgiving Sermon - David Spurbeck 20141123 Ephesians 5:20 2014-11-23 thanksgiving_message_-_november_232014.pdf 2459
Passives - 116 - Were Made To Be Public Spectacles - 20141130 Hebrews 10:33 2014-11-30 pass116davidspurbeck20141130.odt 2144
Passives - 117 - The Great Example of Patience - 20141207 Hebrews 12:5-11 2014-12-07 pass117davidspurbeck20141207.odt 2101
Passives - 118 - Do Not Faint When You Have Been Reproved By The Lord - David Spurbeck 20141214 Hebrews 12:5 2014-12-14 pass118davidspurbeck20141214.pdf 2199
Passives - 119 -Child Traiing:Classroom or Woodshed? - David Spurbeck 20150104 Hebrews 12:5 2015-01-04 pass119davidspurbeck20150104.odt 2170
Passives - 120 - David Spurbeck 20150111 Hebrews 12:9 2015-01-11 passs120davidspurbeck2015111.odt 2286
Passives - 121 -Child-Training and Being Exercised Producing Righteousness - David Spurbeck 20150118 Hebrews 12:11 2015-01-18 pass121davidspurbeck20150118.odt 2059
Passives - 122 -Child-Training and the Abuse of the Lordian Table - David Spurbeck 20150125 1 Corinthians 11:32 2015-01-25 pass122davidspurbeck20150125.odt 2243
Passives - 123 - Active Divine Provision of Christian Behavior - David Spurbeck 20150201 1 Peter 1:17 2015-02-01 pass123davidspurbeck20150201.odt 2226
Passives - 124A - External Influences on Behavior Before and After Salvation - David Spurbeck 20150208 Ephesians 2:3
2 Corinthians 1:12
2015-02-08 pass124adavidspurbeck20150208.odt 2115
Passives - 124B - Being Made Submissive to Government and God - David Spurbeck 20150215 1 Peter 2:15
James 4:7
2015-02-15 2158
Passives - 126 -Being Given All Things for Life and Godliness - David Spurbeck 20150222 1 Peter 1:3 2015-02-22 pass126davidspurbeck20150222.odt 2106
Passives - 127 - Confirming the Things that Pertain to Present Tense Salvation - David Spurbeck 20150301 2 Peter 1:12 2015-03-01 pass127davidspurbeck20150301.odt 2113
Passives - 128 - The Divine Proision of Prosperity in the Christian Life - David Spurbeck 20150308 3 John 1:2 2015-03-08 pass128davidspurbeck21050308.odt 2126
Passives - 129 - Being Persuaded of the Impossibility of Separation - David Spurbeck 20150315 Romans 8:38 2015-03-15 2048
Passives - 130 - The Invalidation of the Law for Grace Believers - David Spurbeck 20150322 Romans 7:6 2015-03-22 pass130davidspurbeck20150322.odt 2111
Passives - 131A - The Invalidation of the Sin Nature and Work of Christ - David Spurbeck 20150329 Romans 6:6
Galatians 5:4
Galatians 5-11
2015-03-29 pass131adavidspurbeck20150329.odt 2176
Passives - 131B - Christ's Resurrection and the Resurrection Life of the Christian - David Spurbeck 20150405 Romans 6:4-11
Colossians 3:1-2
Colossians 2:12
2015-04-05 pass131bdavidspurbeckresurrectionsermon20150405outline.odt 2064
Passives - 132 - The Law Invalidates Christ and His Work - David Spurbeck 20150412 Galatians 5:4-11 2015-04-12 pass132davidspurbeck20150412.odt 2101
Passives - 133 - Being Made to Grow as a Provision of Grace - David Spurbeck 20150419 Colossians 1:6-10 2015-04-19 pass133davidspurbeck20150419.odt 2057
Passives - 134 - The Mechanism God Uses to Grow Christians - David Spurbeck 20150503 1 Peter 2:2 2015-05-03 pass134davidspurbeck20150503.odt 2205
Passives - 135 - The Divine Pouring Out of Love - David Spurbeck 20150510 Romans 5:5 2015-05-10 pass135davidspurbeck20150510.odt 2109
Passives - 136 - Believers As Ones In A State Of Being Loved - David Spurbeck 20150517 Colossians 3:12
1 Thessalonians 1:4
2 Thessalonians 2:13
2015-05-17 pass136davidspurbeck20150517.pdf 2049
Passives -137 - His Love Has Been Perfected In Us - David Spurbeck 20150524 1 John 4:12-18 2015-05-24 pass137davidspurbeck20150524.odt 2066
Passives - 138 - The Love of God Has Been Perfected in Us - David Spurbeck 20150531 1 John 2:5 2015-05-31 pass138davidspurbeck20150531.odt 2043
Passives -139 - Muliplicaion of Mercy, Peace and Love - David Spurbeck 20150607 Jude 2 2015-06-07 pass139davidspurbecck20150607.odt 2235
Passives - 140 - The Potential for the Multiplication of Grace and Peace - David Spurbeck 20150621 James 1:2 2015-06-21 pass140davidspurbeck20150621.pdf 2061
Passives -140b - Is It Wrong To Call Heaven Glory? - David Spurbeck 20150705 2015-07-05 pass141adavidspurbeck20150705.odt 2215
Passives -141 - Divine Assistance for Joy Promised in the Upper Room - David Spurbeck 20150719 John 14:28
John 16:20-22
2015-07-19 pass141davidspurbeck20150719.odt 2306
Passives - 142 - Divine Assistance for Joy Promised in the Upper Room - II - David Spurbeck 20150802 John 16:22 2015-08-02 pass142davidspurbeck20150802.odt 2129
Passives - 143 - Overflowing Joy in Afflliction - David Spurbeck 20150809 2 Corinthians 7:4-7 2015-08-09 pass143davidspurbeck20150809.odt 2172
Passives -144 - Rejoicing in the Active and the Passive - David Spurbeck 20150906 Philippians 1:18 2015-09-08 pass144davidspurbeck20150906.mp3 2270
Passives -146 - Joy Produced in the Lord Because of His People - David Spurbeck 20150920 Philippians 4:10 2015-09-20 pass146davidspurbeck20150920.odt 2385
Passives -147 - Joy Produced in the Revelation of the Glory of God - David Spurbeck 20150927 1 Peter 4:13 2015-09-27 pass147davidspurbeck20150927.odt 2355
Passives -148 - Joy Produced in Believers Walking in Truth - David Spurbeck 20151004 2 John 4 2015-10-04 pass148davidspurbeck20151004.odt 2215
Passives -149 - Gaius An Active Agent of Joy in the Life of the Apostle Paul - David Spurbeck 20151011 3 John 4 2015-10-11 pass149davidspurbeck20151011.odt 2170
Passives 155b - Will Be Found in Future Tense Salvation - David Spurbeck 20151213 2 Corinthians 5:3
1 Peter 1:7
2 Peter 3:14
2015-12-13 pass155bdavidspurbeck20151213.pdf 2240
Passives 156 We Have Been Made Christ's Inheritance - David Spurbeck 20151127 Ephesians 1:11 2015-12-27 pass156davidspurbeck20151227.pdf 2267